Fluid Rower

Before 8 097 zł7 649 zł30-day best price 6 949 zł
from 8 799 zł
Before 9 815 zł9 299 zł30-day best price 8 399 zł
Fluid Rower Rowing machine (13)
First Degree rowing machines are the unique rowing machines in the world, which are equipped with an adjustable water resistance system. Rowing machines of the Viking line of First Degree are made of high-quality American ash wood. Thanks to the sturdy and elegant construction, the rowing machines are not just real designer pieces but also durable training partners even for professional use.
Before 717 zł679 złYou save 5%on the 30-day best price 717 zł
Before 221 zł209 złYou save 5%on the 30-day best price 221 zł
Before from 732 złfrom 693 złYou save 5%on the 30-day best price from 732 zł
Fluid Rower Accessory for cardio training (4)
The training with fitness equipment and accessory influences directly your health and well-being. Thus you should pay attention to quality when purchasing fitness equipment. Products of the range of products of Fluid Rower Accessory for cardio training offer you safety and quality for an effective training at home.
show the whole range of Fluid Rower Accessory for cardio training
Before 663 zł628 złYou save 5%on the 30-day best price 663 zł
Before from 732 złfrom 693 złYou save 5%on the 30-day best price from 732 zł
Before 442 zł419 złYou save 5%on the 30-day best price 442 zł
Fluid Rower Accessory rowing machines (5)
Fluid Rower offers a wide offer of high-quality fitness equipment and accessory for the training at home. Get effectively in shape, lose weight, and keep healthy at home with the Fluid Rower Accessory rowing machines products.
show the whole range of Fluid Rower Accessory rowing machines
Zu unserem First Degree Fitness Sortiment gehören First Degree Rudergeräte und First Degree Ergometer, die sowohl für den Fitness-, als auch den Studiobereich geeignet sind.
Das Rudergerät bzw. Ruderergometer stellt das "Flaggschiffprodukt" von First Degree Fitness dar. Sämtliche First Degree Rudergeräte sind mit dem innovativen und patentierten Fluid Technology Wasserwiderstandsystem ausgestattet, welches als einziges Wasserwiderstandssystem der Welt stufenlos einstellbar, mit den modernsten Techniken entworfen und mit den besten Materialien gebaut ist.
Entdecken Sie beispielsweise den First Degree Fitness Viking Rower oder den First Degree Fitness Fluid Rower 520.
Ergometer von First Degree entwickeln das traditionelle Fahrrad-Ergometer entscheidend weiter und verbinden es mit dem First Degree Fluid Technology System. Entstanden sind revolutionäre Ergometer, die sowohl als Ausdauer- als auch als Kraftgeräte einsetzbar sind.
Entdecken Sie beispielsweise das First Degree Fitness Fluid Cycle XT 720 oder das First Degree Fitness Fluid Upperbody Ergometer 920.
Ob Heimfitness, Rehabilitationstraining oder Leistungssport, First Degree Fitness bietet Ihnen erstklassige Fitnessgeräte nach Maß!